Change log

An overview of new features and fixes:

2.16.2 -

  • Blazor streaming markers (<!--bl:…-->, <!--/bl:…--> and <!--bab39c12-73f9-4e04-b6b9-76cb2b324662-->) are no longer removed

2.16.1 -

  • New Blazor markers (<!--Blazor-Server-Component-State:…-->, <!--Blazor-WebAssembly-Component-State:…--> and <!--Blazor-Web-Initializers:…-->) are no longer removed
  • Added support for the NUglify version 1.21.8

2.16.0 -

  • Added support of JavaScript code minification in the script tags with module, text/x-javascript, text/x-ecmascript, application/x-javascript and application/x-ecmascript types
  • Added support of JSON data minification in the script tags with importmap and speculationrules types
  • The nomodule attribute is now processed as a Boolean attribute
  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.21.4

2.15.3 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.21.2

2.15.1 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.21.0

2.14.0 -

  • In HTML and XHTML minification settings was added one new property - `AttributeQuotesStyle` (default `Auto`)
  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.20.7

2.13.9 -

  • Small refactoring of the HTML/XHTML parser was performed

2.13.8 -

  • Fixed a incorrect whitespace minification which occurs when there are empty XML tags in the HTML/XHTML markup

2.13.7 -

  • Implemented a more correct parsing of the missing HTML end tags
  • Fixed a error #154 “Whitespace trimming on anchor tags (when using svg tag)”

2.13.6 -

  • Fixed a error #102 “Minification mangling html with conditional comments”
  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.20.5

2.13.5 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.20.4

2.12.0 -

  • In HTML, XHTML and XML minification settings was added two new options: Preserve newlines (default false) and Style of the newline (default is auto-detect)
  • LazyHTML wrapped fragments are now parsed correctly
  • Location of the error that occurs during minification of JSON data are now calculated correctly
  • In the YUI JS Minifier a error summary has been excluded from the list of errors
  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.20.2

2.11.0 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.16.1

2.10.0 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.13.10

2.9.3 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.13.8

2.9.2 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.13.2

2.9.1 -

  • Added support of the YUI Compressor for .NET version 3.1.0
  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.11.4

2.9.0 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.11.3

2.8.15 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.10.0

2.8.14 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.9.9

2.8.13 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.9.7

2.8.12 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.9.6

2.8.11 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.9.5

2.8.10 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.6.5

2.8.7 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.6.4

2.8.6 -

  • Improved a performance of the class directive processing

2.8.5 -

  • Fixed a error #113 “Problem with the content of the html attributes”

2.8.4 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.6.3

2.8.3 -

  • Blazor component markers (<!--Blazor:…-->) are no longer removed

2.8.0 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.5.14

2.7.1 -

  • Added support of the Douglas Crockford's JSMin version of October 30, 2019
  • Douglas Crockford's JSMin is now processing a Angular binding expressions separately from JS code

2.7.0 -

  • The empty dir attribute is no longer removed
  • The <link charset="…"> attribute is no longer considered redundant
  • The following attributes are now considered redundant: <button type="submit">, <form autocomplete="on">, <form enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">, <img decoding="auto">, <textarea wrap="soft"> and <track kind="subtitles">

2.6.0 -

  • Slightly improved performance of markup minification
  • Optimized a memory usage during generation of statistics

2.5.9 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.5.13

2.5.8 -

  • Now CDATA sections are not removed from scripts and styles if they are inside XML-based tags
  • Added the ability to specify a custom short DOCTYPE (e.g. <!DOCTYPE HTML>, <!doctype html>, or <!doctypehtml>)
  • In HTML minification settings was added one new option - Custom short DOCTYPE (default empty string)
  • Improved performance of HTML/XHTML minification

2.5.7 -

  • Slightly improved performance of markup minification
  • Added support of JSON data minification in script tags with application/json and application/ld+json types
  • In HTML/XHTML minification settings was added one new option - Minify embedded JSON data (default true)

2.5.6 -

  • Fixed a error #73 “HtmlMinifier.Minify hangs permanently”
  • Fixed a error #77 “HtmlMinifier.Minify throws InvalidOperationException”
  • Slightly improved performance of markup minification

2.5.5 -

  • Improved performance of attributes generation in XML minifier
  • Improved performance of adapters for the Microsoft Ajax Minifier, YUI Compressor for .NET and NUglify

2.5.4 -

  • Fixed a error that occurred when removing quotes from attribute with an empty value
  • Mads Kristensen's CSS minifier has been refactored
  • Improved performance of adapter for the Douglas Crockford's JS minifier

2.5.3 -

  • Improved performance of markup minification

2.5.2 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.5.12

2.5.1 -

  • Improved a performance of processing attribute values
  • Fixed a error that occurred when processing of the ignoring fragments of markup

2.5.0 -

  • Added support of the YUI Compressor for .NET version 3.0.0

2.4.5 -

  • Fixed a DOCTYPE parsing error
  • React DOM component comments are no longer removed

2.4.3 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.5.11

2.4.2 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.5.8

2.4.1 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.5.6

2.4.0 -

  • HTML and XHTML minifiers now support processing of CDATA sections outside the script and style tags

2.3.0 -

  • Fixed a error #31 “Perfomance is very slow when a HTML comment is inside a JavaScript block”
  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.5.5

2.2.4 -

  • Added the ability to ignore fragments of markup by using the ignoring comment tags (<!--wmm:ignore--><!--/wmm:ignore-->)

2.2.3 -

  • Fixed a error #21 “Remove redundant attributes, except input”

2.2.2 -

  • Fixed a error #18 “Why is SavedGzipInBytes a decimal?”

2.1.0 -

  • In HTML/XHTML minification settings was changed the default value for the List of processable script types option from "" to "text/html"
  • In the Douglas Crockford's JS Minifier was optimized memory usage

2.0.2 -

  • Added support of the NUglify version 1.5.2

1.1.4 -

  • Was made refactoring

1.1.0 -

  • In HTML minification settings was added one new option - Preserve case of tag and attribute names (default false)
  • Fixed a errors that occurred when processing of Angular 2, Aurelia and Polymer templates

1.0.1 -

  • Now during minification removes the byte order mark (BOM)

1.0.0 -

  • Fixed minor errors
  • In HTML/XHTML minification settings changed the default value for Remove redundant attributes option (instead of true now is used false)

0.9.12 -

  • Fixed a error “Minify AngularJS binding expressions causes exception with `ngRepeat`”

0.9.11 -

  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 5.14

0.9.10 -

  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 5.13

0.9.9 -

  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 5.12

0.9.8 -

  • To the list of built-in Angular directives, that contain expressions, added new directives: ngMaxlength, ngMessages, ngMinlength, ngModel, ngOptions, ngPattern, ngRequired, ngSwipeLeft, ngSwipeRight and ngValue

0.9.7 -

  • Optimized some regular expressions
  • Added instructions for processing the following tags: dialog, main, menuitem and template

0.9.6 -

  • Fixed a error “jQuery conditional loading causes "Remain not closed conditional comment." exception”

0.9.5 -

  • Added support of the YUI Compressor for .NET version 2.7.0

0.9.4 -

  • From core removed dependency on System.Web.dll

0.9.3 -

  • Fixed a error, that occurred when processing of embedded KnockoutJS templates starting with a containerless comment

0.9.0 -

  • Added support of KnockoutJS, Kendo UI MVVM and AngularJS templates minification
  • In HTML/XHTML settings were added the following 4 options: List of processable script types, Minify Knockout binding expressions, Minify Angular binding expressions and List of custom Angular directives with expressions
  • Fixed a error “HtmlMinifier adds '=' to custom boolean attributes”
  • Fixed a error “Error when compressing Knockout.js template section”
  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 5.11
  • Added support of the YUI Compressor for .NET version 2.5.0

0.8.22 -

  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 5.10

0.8.21 -

  • Fixed an error, that occurred during generation of the source fragments for errors and warnings

0.8.20 -

  • Fixed a error “Minify HTML File & Conditional comments conflict”

0.8.19 -

  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 5.9

0.8.18 -

  • Was made refactoring

0.8.17 -

  • Added support of the YUI Compressor for .NET version

0.8.16 -

  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 5.8

0.8.15 -

  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 5.7

0.8.14 -

  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 5.4

0.8.13 -

  • Fixed a error “HtmlMinifier converts attribute spaces to &#32; when running in ASP.Net”
  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 5.3

0.8.12 -

  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 5.2

0.8.11 -

  • C# port of Douglas Crockford's JSMin was updated to version of March 29 2013
  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 5.1

0.8.10 -

  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 4.97
  • Added support of the YUI Compressor for .NET version

0.8.9 -

  • Now in the HTML/XHTML Minifier during removing HTML comments are preserved Knockout containerless comments
  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 4.96
  • Added support of the YUI Compressor for .NET version

0.8.8 -

  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 4.94

0.8.7 -

  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 4.93

0.8.6 -

  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 4.92

0.8.5 -

  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 4.91

0.8.4 -

  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 4.90

0.8.3 -

  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 4.89

0.8.2 -

  • In the XML Minifier improved whitespace minification

0.8.1 -

  • Optimized memory usage

0.8.0 -

  • In 2-3 times has increased speed of the HTML and XHTML minification, and in 10-15 times speed of the XML minification
  • In HTML/XHTML settings were added the following three options: Use short DOCTYPE, Use META charset tag and Remove JavaScript protocol from attributes
  • In HTML settings the Remove JavaScript type attributes and Remove CSS type attributes options now have default values equals to true, because they are now considered is safe
  • In XML settings was added one new option - the Collapse tags without content, and was renamed the Remove comments option to the Remove XML comments

0.7.3 Beta 1 -

  • In HTML/XHTML settings the Minify whitespace boolean option was replaced by the Whitespace minification mode option, which can take 4 possible values​​: None, Safe, Medium and Aggressive
  • Added support of the Microsoft Ajax Minifier version 4.86

0.7.2 Alpha 1 -

  • Implemented safe removal of the optional end tags

0.7.1 Alpha 1 -

  • Improved processing of invalid characters in the start tags

0.7.0 Alpha 1 -

  • Initial version deployed